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JML Tax and Accounting uses SafeSend for secure file transfers without the need for a portal login and password as well as Adobe Sign for easy submission of your signature documents.

Engagement Letters and Signature-Required documents can be quickly signed and sent to us electronically utilizing Adobe Sign. Simply click the chosen document from the appropriate section below and follow instructions.

Questionnaires and worksheets are fillable PDFs. After clicking the chosen document from the appropriate section below, you should save it to your computer before filling it out. Once complete, save the document again and use SafeSend on our Secure Document Upload page to safely submit your documentation without a login and/or password.

All fillable PDFs can still be printed and filled in by hand. They can then be submitted by SafeSend, mailed, or faxed. We recommend that you do not email any documents with sensitive or confidential information.

Alternatively, you may stop by the office with the forms.

Additional Forms

May be required depending on your situation

  • Consent to Extend:
    Required only if you would like us to file an extension for your tax return (click the applicable

    document based on return type above).

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